Thursday, September 8, 2011

Locals Only

Looking at this book Locals Only and thinking how cool it would be to grow up 
in a Surftown with Sun and Skateboarding in 1978.

Then I realized that I sort of did that anyway.
Me with my Sis and Cousin in my Granparents back garden. Newquay Cornwall, 1978.
My G&S Peralta Warptail, Yo-Yo wheels and first ever pair of Vans.
Never looked back!


Alec said...

You forgot to mention the Trackers.

Trawler said...

Ok and the Trackers, Independent Trucks had not reached our shores yet

Anonymous said...

Thank you for share the name of this book , I would like so much to buy(but here in Brazil is difficult and Amazon don't have too!) Could you to indicate many place to in internet to buy? Thank's and the pic so amazing!

Trawler said...